Package A
IEQ Audit
This is our best value IEQ testing which includes; Air Sampling for Mould, Radon Gas, Volatile Organic
Compounds, Formaldehyde testing, and Thermal Imaging.
Package B
Mould (ERMI and Spore
Environmental Relative Moldiness Index – This test has been developed as a tool to evaluate the
potential risk of indoor mold growth and associated health effects.
Package C
Asbestos (Air and
This package includes three (3) bulk samples and one (1) air sample to test for Asbestos
Package D
VOC and Formaldehyde
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Formaldehyde. This packages include on (1) VOC and one (1)
Formaldehyde test.
Environmental Testing Services
Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI)
Air sampling for Mould
Air sampling for Asbestos
Asbestos/Mold Bulk testing (three sample minimum)
Asbestos testing of Vermiculite insulation
Asbestos Wipe
Radon Gas testing (Short Term)
Radon Gas testing (Long Term)
Coliform testing
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Formaldehyde testing
Lead paint chips testing
Indoor Allergen (Cat, Dog, Cockroach, Dust Mites)
- $ 1,080*
- $ 375*
- $ 575*
- $ 175 each*
- $ 450*
- $ 575*
- $ 350*
- $ 325*
- $ 375*
- $ 600*
- $ 500*
- $ 175*
- $ 595*